2023 Communicator Award Entry:
Denver Regional Council of Governments:
Way To Go - Schoolpool

Way To Go - Schoolpool

  • Marketing & Communications Media Types > Online Advertising & Marketing > Rich Media

The “Best Friends Are Made In Carpool” campaign was designed to raise awareness among families and school administrators of a government program that supports carpooling to and from school, with the ultimate goal of reducing traffic congestion caused by single-occupant vehicles and improving air quality in the Denver metro region. Parents know that carpooling can be inconvenient and there’s a hurdle to get over to convince parents to change their routine. We thought the promise of making lasting friendships for their kids in carpool, would be more compelling than the promise of clean air. And we think we were right.

Out of Home

Paid Social

Schoolpool Paid Social:

Schoolpool Paid Social:
Mom Reason

Streaming Audio

The “Best Friends Are Made In Carpool” campaign was designed to raise awareness among families and school administrators of a government program that supports carpooling to and from school, with the ultimate goal of reducing traffic congestion caused by single-occupant vehicles and improving air quality in the Denver metro region. The “Best Friends” radio spot features two friends talking about the benefits of carpooling to and from school, from their perspective. It’s hard to motivate a busy parent to change their commuting routine, but if their kids’ happiness and social life is at stake, they’re willing to consider almost anything. Meanwhile, as kids are making friends in carpool, the Denver metro region enjoys fewer cars on the road, and cleaner air.

Radio Ad:

Accompany Banner:

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