Establishing a Family of Brands

Knapp Ranch is a growing family of brands that includes Knapp Harvest, Osage Gardens, Second Nature Gourmet, and Knapp’s Nectar. The parent brand is propelled by a vision to preserve the land, water and wildlife in a rustic and timeless setting located in the Vail Valley. Knapp Ranch is a hub of learning, creativity, and experimentation, driven by a philosophy of respect and stewardship, and a desire to manage the land for a future that includes the uncertainties of climate change. 

Our work with Knapp Ranch includes brand strategy, brand identity design and development, advertising, media planning, website design and development, content strategy and new product development. 

Service We Provide

  • Brand Strategy

  • Brand Identity Design & Development

  • Advertising

  • Media Planning

  • Website Design & Development

  • Content Strategy

  • New Product Development

Print Ads

The “We Love The Land” magazine ad was designed to create awareness in the local community and among potential partners for a unique fresh produce grower, Knapp Ranch. As a small grower that is a local source for fresh produce, they wanted to educate the local community about their unique approach to sustainable agriculture, and showcase the beauty of the produce that comes from responsible farming. Through their dedication to land stewardship, Knapp Ranch is paving the way for innovative farming in the face of climate change and has attracted like-minded partners to help support the mission.

MarCom Gold Award Winner | Blackbird Agency


2023 MARCOM GOLD AWARD Advertising Campaign


The design approach draws inspiration from the brand’s philosophy of land stewardship, and deep-rooted values of sustainable, small, heritage farming. We've seamlessly integrated their compelling mission of land conservation, learning and education, and superior quality produce into an immersive online experience.

Our design marries aesthetics and functionality, ensuring that users can easily navigate the site to explore the portfolio of sub-brands and product offerings. Two important sub-brands, Knapp Harvest and Knapp’s Nectar, incorporate online ordering and provide an e-commerce channel for the brand. 

Digital Ads

Expanding the Knapp Harvest brand at the holidays included highlighting their honey products as holiday gifts.